Post-Covid Health Checkup Package

Last updated on November 29th, 2023 at 12:44 pm

Call us for Post Covid Full Body Checkup appointment and inquiries at 01-5400400 | 9863393960 or email us at
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Even after fully recovering from COVID-19, some people might experience Post-Covid conditions such as Fibrosis of the lunges, cardiac arrest, renal failure, neurological problems, and diabetes.
Post-COVID conditions can cover a wide range of new, returning, or ongoing health problems people can experience more than four weeks after first being infected with the virus that causes COVID-19. This condition has been called post-COVID-19 Syndrome.
Why should you get a Post-COVID Full Body Checkup?
With more severe COVID conditions being reported, patients should continue to monitor their health condition.
It has been observed that even after recovering from the virus, it leaves some long-term negative impacts in our body which can turn serious, along with weakening the immune system of the body.
Post-COVID health care is necessary to detect any complications in the body. The complications of SARS-COV-2 could go beyond the lungs, including the heart, kidney, brain, and skin.
This health checkup is more important for patients with pre-existing health conditions, such as Type-1, Type-2 diabetes, cholesterol, cardiac diseases, etc.
Where can you get a Full Post-COVID Health Checkup in Kathmandu?
Clinic One has started a Post-COVID full body health checkup package at Rs. 6000/– in Kathmandu Nepal. It is suitable for anyone who wants to have a thorough checkup of their whole body after recovering from the Coronavirus.
We also provide home checkup services if you are unable to visit our clinic.
This package includes the following tests:
1. Complete Blood Count (CBC)
The test is done to measure the different types of blood cells (RBCs, WBCs, Platelets, etc.) and gives you an idea of how well you have responded to a COVID infection. It could guide you to additional measures you may need to take post-recovery.
2. D-dimer Test
The D-dimer test determines the presence of any abnormal clot in the blood. Even after covid recovery, formation of blood clots can persist.
COVID-19 causes severe damage to the lungs in several patients as a result of inflammation and systemic changes. The inflammation and systemic changes in the body can affect the blood and its clotting property.
3. Serum Ferritin
A ferritin test is done to measure the amount of ferritin in your blood. Ferritin is a blood protein that contains iron. Recent data have indicated that patients with COVID-19 have increased levels of ferritin. Some people can experience symptoms like muscle weakness, weight loss, abdominal pain, joint pain and hair loss which could be due to elevated ferritin levels.
4. LDH
LDH test is done to predict respiratory function in patients. It can determine if one requires closer respiratory monitoring and more aggressive supportive therapies to avoid a poor prognosis.
5. CRP(C-Reactive Protein)
It is a blood test and it tells about inflammation level in the body and indicates the infection level. It can screen for bacterial infection in the lungs, urinary tract, digestive tract, skin, heart disease, etc.
6. Random Sugar(RBS)
This test is crucial for patients with pre-existing conditions of diabetes.
COVID-19 can affect the pancreatic beta cells, which produce insulin. The ACE-2 receptors damage the beta cells that produce insulin which leads to insulin deficiency and thus a rise in the blood sugar level.
7. Chest Xray (Conditional)
This package involves an X-Ray of the chest. (Note: Chest X-Ray is not available for home services.)
COVID-19 can cause complications in the lungs even after recovering from the virus. Hence, a Chest X-ray is recommended to know accuracy in detecting disease severity and knowing the level of lung involvement caused by COVID-19.
8. Doctor Consultation
This package also includes doctor consultation from our General Physician to guide you to take additional measures that can be taken post recovery and improve overall health condition.
For appointment and inquiries at Clinic One please call 01-5400400 | 9863393960 or email us at
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