Whole Body Checkup in Kathmandu – Why is it necessary?

Last updated on July 11th, 2024 at 01:11 pm
In 1948 World Health Organization defined health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In mankind’s fight against diseases, disability, and suffering, prevention has always been a priority. Medical science has been constantly toiling to develop tests that can detect diseases in very early stages so that effective treatment can either cure or treat and prevent complications. Different medical organizations have developed guidelines to screen the general healthy population to detect certain diseases. For example, Colonoscopy (looking inside the large intestine) is advised for all healthy adults above 50 years of age, to check for polyps (most of the large intestine cancer begins as a polyp). If detected polyps are removed during a colonoscopy, future colon cancer risk will be significantly reduced.
These days “Whole-body checkup” is common in Kathmandu. Among the present “on the go” generation, there is very little time for health. Entangled in the hustle and bustle of active life, many people miss out on regular health checkups.
Benefits of regular whole body checkup include:
1. Detect diseases without symptoms
Many common illnesses can have subtle symptoms that may be ignored by the patient. For example, anemia (condition of low blood/hemoglobin level) can have minimal symptoms. In a 2011 study, 35% of Nepalese women aged 15-49 were found to have anemia. Anemia can be easily diagnosed with a simple blood test that is included in whole body checkup. The majority of anemia occurs due to intestinal parasite, low oral intake or excessive loss during menses. All these conditions can be treated with simple inexpensive medication. Gallbladder stones and kidney stones are also usually silent but can develop complications. Stones can be detected by simple, painless tests like ultrasonography. Ultrasonography can also detect fatty liver (a condition with excess fat deposition in the liver). Fatty liver, which is common in overweight and obese persons, can cause serious damage ultimately causing liver failure. Early detection and treatment can be cost effective. Whole body checkups are also helpful for persons who have family members with disease with genetic association like diabetes, hypertension etc
2. Gain from lower costs
Treating any illness in advanced stage is costly. Detecting serious illnesses in early stage can help to prevent financial burden. Getting tests like blood glucose (sugar) level is cheap way to detect diabetes. The Diabetes Profile conducted in 2016 revealed that 9.1% Nepali population are living with diabetes. Other tests done routinely include serum creatinine level and urine tests. Both measure the functional capacity of kidneys. Kidney failure is also notorious for being symptomatic at late stage. This silent killer can be detected during whole body checkup.
3. Prepare for foreign travel
Growing number of Nepalese are travelling abroad for studies, employment and emigration. Most of the destination countries require normal medical tests before travel. It is a wise to do a comprehensive whole body checkup before going for the formal medical tests as advised by the embassy or the consulate. Illnesses like tuberculosis can be detected beforehand and treated before applying for foreign travel. Dental problems, which are expensive to treat and not covered by medical insurance, can be detected and treated at much lower cost before travelling.
4. Detect Infectious disease
Hepatitis B, hepatitis C and HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) infection are tested during whole body checkup. These infection are silent and potentially lethal if detected in late stage. Similarly chest x-ray is also done as a part of routine. Chest X-ray can detect infections like tuberculosis. Detecting these infections allow opportunity for prompt treatment and prevention of disability.
5. Prepare for pregnancy
Couples planning pregnancy can benefit from whole body checkup. Sub-clinical (disease without symptoms) diseases like hypothyroidism (state of decreased thyroid hormone) can have detrimental effect on growing baby during pregnancy. Hypothyroidism should be treated before conceiving. Hepatitis B infection in mother can be transmitted to baby. Special precaution and medications are required to prevent this transmission.
6. Undergo regular screening
Healthy individuals should undergo certain tests to detect illnesses in early phase for possible cures. Colonoscopy, as described earlier, is an example of screening. Females are required have Pap smear test to screen for cervical cancer and mammogram is recommended for breast cancer.
7. Understand your current health
To maintain health, it is important to know your vitals. Especially measurements like body weight, Body Mass Index (measure of obesity which is calculated using weight and height), Blood Pressure, Fasting Blood Glucose (Sugar) Levels, and Blood Cholesterol Level are important. These levels should be maintained within normal range for a health living. Not just these, other health components like mental illness and well being, family planning, vaccination, eye checkup and dental checkup are also vital components of the whole body checkup. Consultation with doctor is also a part of the package. During the doctor consultation , health problems and symptoms can be elaborated and investigated. You also get an opportunity to clear your doubts, ask questions about healthy living, and discuss health issues.
Where can you get a Full Body Check-Up in Kathmandu, Nepal?
Clinic One has been providing different whole body checkup packages, as per the needs of local Nepalese and travelers to Nepal. Clinic One mostly focuses on the preventive health. With international standards, we are one of the best clinics in Kathmandu. Our whole body checkup packages are customizable per patient’s needs, and takes only 90 minutes.
Clinic One Kathmandu |
April 7, 2021 @ 12:41 pm
Is there any criteria for whole body checkup. Like don’t drink, smoke so on…
April 8, 2021 @ 7:39 am
For a whole-body checkup, you need to have an empty stomach and a full bladder. We also recommend you to not have heavy drinks the night before your Full Body Checkup.