Dr. Sailendra Maharjan, MS

Last updated on May 21st, 2024 at 12:06 pm
Professional Experience
- 2019 – Till Date: Orthopedist, Clinic One Kathmandu
- 2020- Till Date: Consultant. Korea Nepal Friendship Hospital.
- 2019 Jan-March Scholar at Siriraj Hospital Mahidol University Bangkok.
- 2016AD- to 2018: Orthopedic Consultant Maldives. Ministry of health
- 2015AD-2016AD: Pediatric Ortho / Trauma Hospital and Rehabilitation Center for Disabled Children(HRDC). Friends of Disables( FOD ) / B&B Orthopedic hospital and Trauma Center, Gwarko Lalitpur Nepal
- During the Earthquake, Emergency Surveillance And Resuscitation (ESAR) Project on mostly affected VDCs in collaboration with District Hospitals.
- 2014AD-2015AD: Orthopedic Oncology National Cancer Hospital
- 2009AD– 2011AD: Medical Officer, Lamjung District Community Hospital.
Education & Training
- Bachelor in Medicine and Bachelor in Surgery (MBBS) 2003 AD-2008 AD
- MS(Orthopedics) Shandong Medical University PR China 2011 AD-2014 AD
- ASEAN and Developing Nation Scholarship 2019 Mahidol University Siriraj Hospital Department of Orthopedics.
CME and Training
- 2019 AD Alliance Seminar –Pediatric fracture management August 18-19
- 2010 AD Clinical Management of HIV/AIDS National Center For AIDS and STD Control. (Government)
- 2008 AD-2009 AD Internship
Awards and Certifications
- Certificate of merit by Weifang Medical University in MBBS Program
- Certificate of appreciation by NCASC for presentation in “Successful completion of clinical Management of HIV/AIDS
- Various social works related to YMBA “Young Men’s Buddhist Associations”
- Certificate of appreciation by District Health office Dhading Nepal for emergency evacuation works during Nepal Earthquake
- Cervical disc replacement with Mobi-C, participations, and activity profiles: overall quality of life evaluations. Maharjan S, Zhang W, Cheng L, Nei L. Orthopedic Journal of China 2014 AD Volume 22 13th edition.
- Mechanisms of anti-inflammatory property of conserved dopamine neurotrophic Factors inhibition of JNK signaling in lipopolysaccharide-induced microglia. Zhao H, Cheng L, Liu Y, Zhang W, Maharjan S, Cui Z, Wang X, Tang D, Nei L J Mol Neurosci 2014feb:52(2):186-92. PMID:24078520{PubMed}
- CCL20 secretion from the Nucleus pulposus Improves the Recruitment of CCR-6Expressing Th17 Cells to Degenerated IVD Tissues. Zhang W, Nei L, Wang Y, Wang XP, Zhao H, Dongol S, Maharjan S, Cheng L. PloS One 2013 Jun 18;8(6):e66286.print2013 PMID:23823618{PubMed}