Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic in Nepal
Last updated on January 19th, 2025 at 02:40 pm
Note: Access up-to-date information about the Coronavirus COVID19 situation in Nepal from only legitimate sources like MOHP(Ministry of Health and Population) and WHO(World Health Organization)
What to do when you have COVID–19?
Moderna’s COVID-19 Candidate Vaccine Showed Positive Results | Estimated Public Access in January
Moderna’s COVID-19 candidate vaccine (mRNA Vaccine or mRNA-1273) against the Novel Corona Virus (SARS-CoV-2) generated positive results in its Phase I clinical trial, according to the interim data presented by the company in a press release on Monday, 18 May 2020. The vaccine is estimated to arrive in January …….. Read more

Get a Flu Vaccine to Minimize COVID19 effect | Flattening the Curve
This aids in eliminating cases of flu from COVID-19.
Coronavirus is spreading across the globe and health care providers are urging people not to take it for granted. Across Europe and Asia, hospitals are overwhelmed and crowded. Lack of health care providers, testing kits, hospital spaces, among others, is causing the situation to be more helpless. The successful trial and implementation of a potential vaccine against coronavirus may take a considerable amount of time. Every person should be willing to take precautionary steps such as washing their hands, avoiding social gatherings, social distancing.
Apart from that, we need to be aware of the symptoms of coronavirus. There are other virus-related diseases such as Influenza (the flu) that have overlapping symptoms with COVID-19. Symptoms such as high fever, cough, body aches, and fatigue are some of the overlapping symptoms of both infections. These similarities can cause confusion, distress, and panic among patients. People coming down with flu can misunderstand their signs and symptoms with COVID-19. These misunderstandings play a negative role not only to the patients and their families but also to the hospital and healthcare providers.
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